Parents have an awesome responsibility before God to their children. Do you want yours to win what Christ suffered and died to make possible: eternity in Heaven ? Or do you want them, and yourself, to have a fair chance to exist for all eternity in the torments of Hell because you decided not to do anything about Brisbane Catholic Education Syllabus ?
The Syllabus is deeply unsatisfactory both in what it leaves out, and in what it contains. See our website for a critique. Yet approaches by parents have been totally rejected for years past and right up to the present.
Of the children who spend 13 years in the Catholic school system, just 2% continue to practice their faith by attending Sunday Mass. The report published by the archdiocese itself at the end of 2016 verify this astounding figure. Not even Adolf Hitler with his public beheadings nor Stalin with his gulags could approach this deadly figure. Our Catholic Education Board under our Archbishop is more successful than those two dictators at wiping out the Catholic Faith. How do they do this ? 1. By refusing to give in the principal educators any control whatsoever. 2. By using a syllabus which omits or distorts the necessary elements of a Catholic education. I submit that this is actually an evil process.
Here is binding and infallible teaching from St. John Paul ll. “Those in charge should never forget that the parents have been appointed by God as the first and principal educators of their children, and that right is completely inalienable.” See also our website for numerous rulings from The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools. But to say that parents have been allowed to exercise any control at all would be grossly untrue, repeat , a huge falsehood. We Catholic parents have been rebuffed for generations.
Sex education is a basic right and duty of parents in the education of their children. Christ’s own words on one giving scandal: “It would be better if a millstone were tied round his neck and his body thrown into the deepest part of the sea.” Again, what do you as a parent think God wants you to do ? Do you think that you should train your children to win Heaven for all eternity, or should you leave them to chance Hell in the proven disaster of Brisbane Cath. Ed.? Christ teaches us explicitly there are only the two options.
The pretence of sex education in the classroom should more accurately be called grooming. It merely makes our children sexually aware and as a result, sexually active.
If anyone with knowledge of Brisbane Cath. Ed. claims that parents are allowed their proper part in the education of their children, that person must be regarded as seriously deranged.