1 The sacramental policy of the archdiocese 2015 begins in year 3, with confirmation being the first sacrament, Holy Communion in year 4, then finally rite of reconciliation in year 5.
A simple form of reconciliation (second rite) is to be held before First Holy Communion.
Firstly, most families will not follow through with reconciliation in year 5 once confirmation and First Holy Communion have been received.
Secondly, children who have not experienced individual confession earlier will be reluctant to go to the priest at ten years of age.
2 The new curriculum for Catholic schools 2013 introduces children to the Trinity as God, Jesus the Christ and Spirit. It is only in later years are they taught Trinity as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Is the feminist agenda in play here where the male image of Father and Son is not introduced in the early years?