We believe that there are levels in Hell and Purgatory, since people will be treated according to their merits. Similarly, it is logical that there are levels in Heaven, with Mary closest to God, and then the angels and saints, followed by the rest of those saved.
But it is not unreasonable to believe that there are individual awards, just as there are on earth. For example, heroism in battle might earn a decoration, and service in a campaign might bring a medal. Here is a suggestion for Catholics who are working out their salvation in fear and trembling. Awards in Heaven might be presented at the final judgement for the following: 1 Attending Mass daily, and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. 2 Saying the rosary each day. 3 Saving souls, with the number of those saved stamped on the medal. 4 Plenary indulgences for souls in Purgatory, again with the number stamped. 5 Weekly confession. 6 Devotion to Our Blessed Mother, such as wearing the brown scapular. 7 Devotion to the Sacred Heart. 8 Ordination to the priesthood. 9 Final vows for a nun. 10 Devotion to saints and angels. In addtion, there might be certificates awarded for these devotions: 1 Completing the nine First Fridays. 2 Completing the five First Saturdays. 3 Serving as an altar-boy. 4 Attending the Traditional Latin Mass. 5 Defence of the Faith. I have not included martyrdom, as I believe this will be acknowledged in the garment worn in eternity. These are only suggestions, but it is logical that God will see fit to reward devotion according to its merit. The form these awards will take is unknown, but it is possible that they will be inscribed on the Heavenly garment worn by those who gain eternal happiness.
Atoms are very small. If we could enlarge a grain of sand so that it reaches 100 metres across, not even a microscope could make out an individual atom. Yet each atom's exact location is known to God, and its surrounding electrons are each moved as directed by God. Not a single particle escapes His attention.
Now there are more than 10^20 atoms in a grain of sand. And each of these atoms has God's attention. Given that the number of grains of sand on earth are beyond counting, it gives some idea of the great size of God's intellect and power. And then there are other atoms, and other planets, other stars, other galaxies and perhaps other universes. In each, God is directing, with infinite precision, the flow of matter, and minutely controlling its behaviour. The Laws of Physics are in reality the laws of God. There is only one God. He created the universe, and nothing can exist outside of God. When Jesus comes to us in the Blessed Sacrament, He comes completely, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. We contain our Creator. If so, do we not then also contain the universe, which is itself contained by Jesus? So God is infinite. He created from nothing all that we see. Each of us is a creation, and beside God we are so small as to be invisible on the scale of the universe. Yet this God died for us a terrible death. Do we not have a responsibllity to search out to find God's Will and then follow that Will until at our death we join Him forever? There have been many arguments which articulate the possibility that Francis may not be pope after all.
Today Catholic women of childbearing age are on the pill. If they were to stop and consider that they have been given the gift of
Now that the Lavender Mafia has been exposed in the upper reaches of the Church, Catholics are coming to grips with their stranglehold on power.
In 1930 Pope Pius XI issued Casti Connubii, explaining the position of the Catholic Church on contraception.
The Capture of a large part of Catholic leadership by militant homosexuals and their enablers has caused Catholics to question the current direction of the Church.
Today a Catholic soul will face judgement. A good man, leaving behind a wife and two children. Kind to everyone, loved by his dog, and a contributor to charity. A natural candidate for sainthood.
After Vatican 2 a new Mass was imposed on Catholics by Rome. After 50 years it might be time to see whether this change was an improvement.
I am appealing to you to do something about the spiritual abuse directed at me by Bishop Tomlinson of Bendigo. I became aware earlier this year that he had discouraged a Catholic organisation in his diocese from inviting me as a speaker.
In recent times it has become noticeable how politicians and clergy on the left (here, the ALP and Greens, in the US the Democrats) have come to resemble the Pharisees, both in their words and in their behaviour.
No matter how often the forces of darkness seem to succeed in their evil plan to destroy souls, in the end God will triumph.
This has long been an allegation from the left of politics, used to prevent conservatives from presenting arguments.
We are obliged as Catholics to support those who provide us with Mass and the other sacraments.